Halloween -- did you get candy? -- dates back to (and well before) Medieval times.
So do many homes that have been beautifully renovated:
Still in use after 500 years...beautiful:
Windows and mantle from the 15th Century, with today's modern decor:
Still lived in, added on to, updated, -- and you can certainly see evidence of that -- this house was first built in the 15th Century:
Renovated medieval home in Spain is now rented out as apartments:
Cothay Manor, a14th century medieval manor, now a private house and garden located in Somerset, England:
Meanwhile, just an hour outside of New York City is a "young" 300-year-old farmhouse that has been renovated. The glorious kitchen:
Everything old is new again... Now THAT, my friends is recycling!!!
Tomorrow is Halloween.
Happy Halloween to You and You and You and You and You and You and You and You and You!